Dr. Oded Cats
Professor of Passenger Transport Systems, Department of Transport & Planning, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Prof. Cats research is devoted to developing theories and models of multi-modal passenger transport networks by combining advancements in simulation and operations research, behavioural sciences and complex network theory and modelling. The focus of his research is on network dynamics and robustness, service operations and control, and passenger demand and flow distributions for mass public transport, shared mobility and long-distance travel. He is the recipient of a European Research Council Starting Grant entitled CriticalMaaS and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Public Transportation. Prof. Cats is the departments’ vice-head and co-directs the Smart Public Transport Lab at TU Delft, leading a research group that works closely with public transport authorities and operators.
Dr. Wai Yuen Szeto
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Hong Kong, China
Prof. Wai Yuen Szeto is an Associate Head at the Department of Civil Engineering at The University of Hong Kong, and the Director of the Institute of Transport Studies at that university. He is a Top 1 % Scholar during 2015-2022 (according to Clarivate Analytics’ Essential Science Indicators) and currently a World’s Top 2% Scientist by Stanford University. His current h-index is 64 (Google Scholar). He is an author of over 155 refereed journal papers, with two papers in Operations Research and 34 papers in Transportation Research Part B. His publications have been cited over 11640 times (Google Scholar). The publications are related to shared mobility, dynamic traffic assignment, transport network design, public transport, network reliability, game theoretic approaches to transport and logistic problems, modeling land use, transport and environment interaction, and sustainable transport. He received the World Conference on Transport Research Prize (2001), the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Outstanding Paper Award (2003), the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies Outstanding Dissertation Paper Award and the Gordon Newell Memorial Prize (2005), the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers (2008), the Best Paper Award of the 10th International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (2018), the Outstanding Paper Award of the 2018 China Urban Transportation Planning Annual Meeting, and the Best Paper Award of the 14th International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (2023). He also received the Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing from Transportation Research Part B in 2013 and Transportation Research Part C in 2013 and 2016. Currently, he is an Editor-in-Chief of Transportmetrica B, an Associate Editor of Transportation Research Part D and Transportation Research Part E, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Transportmetrica A, Travel Behaviour and Society, an Area Editor of Networks and Spatial Economics, and an Editorial Board Member of Transportation Research Part C and International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. He is also a member of the Transport Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.
Dr. Otto Anker Nielsen
Professor of Transport Modelling, Department of Technology, Management and Economics, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Prof. Otto Anker Nielsen is full professor of transport modelling, and head of the Transport Division at the Department of Technology, Management and Economics. His main research areas are transport modelling and transport planning with focus on developing behaviourally realistic models of transport systems. He works across multiple modes of transport, at the intersection of behavioural science, mathematical modelling and computer science. His key findings consist of several theoretical contributions to the research forefront in route choice modelling and traffic assignment, including ways to capture taste heterogeneity in route choice, bounds on preferences, and correlation between alternatives, development and implementation of solution methods for real large-scale networks, methods for processing and utilizing new data sources in models, and empirical insights. In addition he has developed integrated models to optimising transportation systems with respects to travel demand as well as supply in public transportations systems, air transport, and road pricing schemes. He is currently a World’s Top 2% Scientist in the Stanford University citation metrics indicator, co-editor for the International Journal of Railway Operations Research, and associate editor of Transportmetrica A.